Oh My Alfabetos!
In Oh My Alfabetos! we have a very nice selection of free alphabets that is going to be really helpfull for your crafts, party decorations, desserts or even to have fun in the school or in home.

The big difference between a font and an alphabet is that you can download the font and add it to a program like Word, for example. When you do it, you choose it and everything that you write is in that style. The alphabets that we offer are images whit which you can make words. You have to select the letter you want and put it together with the others you need to make a word.

Most of the alphabets that we have in Oh My Alfabetos! are fictional characters that the kids love such as Ana and Elsa of Frozen, Mickey, Minnie or the Minions, for example, but there´s also characters for teenagers and adults and themes like Flowers, Music, Jewelry or  with defferent Textures, among others. There´re some alphabets that just have abstract desings or colors.  We even have alphabets with the different flags of the world for international parties and, of course, some flags for special parties such as Christmas, the Mother´s Day or the Father´s Day.

A lot are simple, great for print. But there´s also other that are animated or tinkling perfect for webs and blogs.

Here there are some examples of the alphabets that you can find in  Oh My Alfabetos!

Oh My Alfabetos!

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